Adventurer is out, and I'm back on my 7 day per update average schedule. The big thing that got done with is that the framework of item crafting is in place. You can break down any item into its components now (liquids and gases will have no container and be lost, so watch out for that). Axe becomes a wood stick and an iron wedge. The other half of all that alchemy is the construction of new items from components. If you have a stick and a wedge, you can now make an axe from it. Simply select either item you want to start with, hit [c]ombine craft, and you'll get a list of all the items you can presently make from it. Pick one, and it will be made.
The other thing, not as major as the item crafting, is I fixed up the crash-out code. I managed to trigger going into that part of the code when I was working on the rest - only to find that it had problems with simple Console output. I mean, what the heck? "The handle is invalid"? Can you be any more generic, Microsoft? Oh, wait, they can. Anywhoo, I looked up what that was about. Turns out my project isn't a Console Project, so the ball is dropped when I call console commands, because nobody bothered to set up console stuff if it's not a console application.
In retrospect, I might be able to fix that if I can find the right settings. But more importantly, I fixed it another way. Instead of Console output, whenever the game fails to continue running, it dumps whatever exception occurred into a text file at ErrorLogs/crash.txt. So if the game has crashed on you, consult that file to see if anything's there. If you email me at or just post a comment here or something, include that file's contents. It'll help future versions be more stable.
Next week's updates' tasks are... hrm. Wow. A lot to be done. As a new feature, skills and attributes can be in. That way you can become more powerful as you do things. Skills are going to work on a 'natural' system. You get more 'axe' skill whenever you use an axe. You get tougher body parts whenever they're injured. That could be a lot of work though - no guarantees that it will be ready. Also, AI still needs work to make use of the new armors and weapons and crafting and such. So that can use some work. Also, combat mechanics need some work - you aren't guaranteed to hit the right target if more than one is adjacent to you. So I'll see you next week with another update. And I'll post another blog post at the start of next month.
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