Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventurer 0.0.1 Stable

If you've had the headache of seeing the Windows Standard Useless Error Message when trying to run Adventurer, then I think I just made your world a whole lot better. For the past couple days, Adventurer 0.0.1 has been repeatedly taken down and put up again while I tried to make it work for more people. I found what the problem was.

The Tao.Sdl.Dll file was missing from the archive. I had it on my computer, so it ran for me. And some of the C# writers, too. But not the average user. After finding out what the problem was, I included it, and everything seems to run fine for most people. The only two crash bugs in the current version were from one person on a 64-bit system (apparently 64-bit users will have problems for now), and another with a weird bug loading the Encyclopedia. Both of those put out crash logs, which is a huge step towards making things more compatible. All others that I know of have been able to run it.

So go grab a copy, and give it a try.

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